This icon is to warn you that the corresponding link is external
to the main course material. If you follow the link, there will be no route
back (apart from using the back button of the browser). |
This icon is a link to you back to the main course homepage (in case
you get lost). |
This icon takes you back to the main index menu for the current course.
Clicking on the course logo has an equivalent effect (except on the main
index page itself). |
The contents page icon is used to take you directly back to the
master index from pages within the course material. |
This icon is used to take you back to the release notes with
the aims & objectives of the current
section of the course material, in this instance Internet Skills. |
Within the course material, the left-arrow icon takes you back to
the previous page. |
Within the course material, the right-arrow icon takes you on
to the next page. |
The back-arrow icon is used to take you back to the refering page.
It is usually used as the return link from sub-pages. |
This icon is used to take you back to the index for the current
section of the course material, in this instance Internet Skills. |
Within the course material, the open book icon indicates that the
content that follows it is extra curricular course material.
Such material is often included for completeness. |
The light bulb icon is used to indicate that the
question which follows the icon has been included in the course material
so as to enlighten you about a particular point. Only click on the
icon when you have thought about the answer first. |
This icon links to the program for hkl generation. |
This icon links to the program for unit-cell refinement. |
This icon links to the program for zone indexing. |
This icon brings you to this page. |
This icon is used to take you back to a major index when nested indices
have been used. These are normally avoided where possible in the
main course material to make navigation simpler. |
This icon is used to indicate a "No Go" area. Access is only allowed
to the course administrator and to the course examiners and assessors. |