Logo HTML Topics: Symbol Font (Historical)

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Symbol Font (Historical)

The previous page shows how Greek and other mathematical symbols can be displayed using the named characters in HTML 4.0. This page shows how Greek and other characters were displayed in earlier browsers prior to HTML 4.0. Web page writers exploited the use of the FACE="SYMBOL" attribute of the <FONT> tag, and due to a so-called "bug" in most browsers, this approached worked fine.

The following table is made up of 3 times 10 columns. For each character glyph, the table lists

For the first half of the table (where nnn < 128) the ASCII equivalent character name was used, e.g. for greek letter theta the letter q was used as in <FONT FACE="SYMBOL">q</FONT>. For the second half of the table (where mmm > 160) the syntax was based on character value as in <FONT FACE="SYMBOL">&#nnn;</FONT>, e.g. for an infinity symbol the number 165 was used.

  033!! 034"" 035## 036$$ 037%% 038&& 039'' 040((
041)) 042** 043++ 044,, 045-- 046.. 047// 04800 04911 05022
05133 05244 05355 05466 05577 05688 05799 058:: 059;; 060<<
061== 062>> 063?? 064@@ 065AA 066BB 067CC 068DD 069EE 070FF
071GG 072HH 073II 074JJ 075KK 076LL 077MM 078NN 079OO 080PP
081QQ 082RR 083SS 084TT 085UU 086VV 087WW 088XX 089YY 090ZP
091[[ 092\\ 093]] 094^^ 095__ 096`` 097aa 098bb 099cc 100dd
101ee 102ff 103gg 104hh 105ii 106jj 107kk 108ll 109mm 110nn
111oo 112pp 113qq 114rr 115ss 116tt 117uu 118vv 119ww 120xx
121yy 122zz 123{{ 124|| 125}} 126~~  
161¡¡ 162¢¢ 163££ 164¤¤ 165¥¥ 166¦¦ 167§§ 168¨¨ 169©© 170ªª
171«« 172¬¬ 173­­ 174®® 175¯¯ 176°° 177±± 178²² 179³³ 180´´
181µµ 182 183·· 184¸¸ 185¹¹ 186ºº 187»» 188¼¼ 189½½ 190¾¾
191¿¿ 192ÀÀ 193ÁÁ 194ÂÂ 195ÃÃ 196ÄÄ 197ÅÅ 198ÆÆ 199ÇÇ 200ÈÈ
201ÉÉ 202ÊÊ 203ËË 204ÌÌ 205ÍÍ 206ÎÎ 207ÏÏ 208ÐÐ 209ÑÑ 210ÒÒ
211ÓÓ 212ÔÔ 213ÕÕ 214ÖÖ 215×× 216ØØ 217ÙÙ 218ÚÚ 219ÛÛ 220ÜÜ
221ÝÝ 222ÞÞ 223ßß 224àà 225áá 226ââ 227ãã 228ää 229åå 230ææ
231çç 232èè 233éé 234êê 235ëë 236ìì 237íí 238îî 239ïï 240ðð
241ññ 242òò 243óó 244ôô 245õõ 246öö 247÷÷ 248øø 249ùù 250úú
251ûû 252üü 253ýý 254þþ 255ÿÿ 256ĀĀ
This table will no longer display correctly with many modern browsers, e.g. Netscape 6, Opera 6.

There are a few characters that are different between the current ISO Latin 1 and new ISO Latin 9 standards (e.g. the euro character occupies position 164 in ISO Latin 9, and the 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 characters at positions 188, 189, and 190 have been replaced in ISO Latin 9 by other European characters).

Although Microsoft makes use of character positions 128 through 160, these are conventionally left unused for workstations running under X-windows: so if you wanted your pages to appear correctly on all systems, you had to avoid the use of the non-standard characters.

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© Copyright 1995-2006.  Birkbeck College, University of London. Author(s): Jeremy Karl Cockcroft