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Advanced Certificate in Powder Diffraction
on the WEB
Enrolment 1999/2000 is Closed School of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, University of London |
The enrolment procedure involves an application form and a technical information form.
Once you have read the course details and technical requirements and decided to pursue your application for a place on the course the next step is to print out, fill in and send back by postal mail to the Registry the Adobe Acrobat version of the application form. (In case you wondered why the form is marked "undergraduate", college has stated that all advanced certificate courses should use this form in order to keep the number of college application forms to a minimum.)
If you are applying from overseas, you can speed matters up by faxing the completed application to the Registry. You will still need to send the original with signature by mail, which the College requires for its records, but it will process the fax. Do not forget to include a correct and detailed postal address for correspondence during this application.
Alternatively, you may contact the Course Administrator and ask for a paper copy of the application form, which will be forwarded via post. You will also receive an acknowledgement that your e-mail message has been received.
The return address for the completed application form is:
The Registry
Birkbeck College
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HX
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7631 6390
Fax: +44 (0)20 7631 6303
E-mail: a.rajab-ali@admin.bbk.ac.uk
The enrolment procedure usually takes about two weeks (allowing for postal delays). Application forms which are not complete will be subject to delays so please fill in the form as accurately as possible.
As the course will begin in late October you should be thinking of registering as soon as possible to ensure that you get a place on the course. Registration must be completed by 29 November 1999.
Course Fees and Method of Payment
For 1999/2000 the college has set the yearly fee rates for Web-based Advanced Certificates as follows:
Payment should be made by credit card, by cheque, or other form of credit transfer. For students outside of the UK cheques should be drawn on a British bank and should be made payable to Birkbeck College. Payment should be made before the beginning of the course, and no later than the 29 November 1999, but after you have received notification that you have been accepted onto the course.
Academic Requirements
The minimum academic qualification required to register for the course is normally the equivalent to an UK BSc (Bachelor's) in a subject allied to one of the following: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, or Computer Science.
If you are a PhD student registered at another university you are eligible if your supervisor, and University, agree to you undertaking this course. When you apply you will need to include a letter from your supervisor/university stating that there is no objection to you undertaking this course.
If you are an undergraduate student you are normally not eligible to undertake this course (for exceptions contact the course organiser Dr Jeremy Karl Cockcroft).
Technical Information
As the Advanced Certificate is taught almost entirely over the Internet we will need further information from you about your technical experience and equipment. For this purpose you should fill in the on-line technical information form. You will receive an acknowledgement that your form has been received.
If you are having problems using this form, please email the Course Administrator who will forward a paper copy of the form for you to complete.
Technical Requirements and Equipment
The minimum equipment/know-how required to take the course will be:
We anticipate that most students will be using PCs running MS Window 95/98/NT. However, most of the course material can be browsed (and interacted with) using PCs running Linux or other UNIX computers or even Macs. However, the Department cannot guarantee an equal level of technical support for students not using PCs running MS Window 95/98/NT.
This list of requirements should act as a guide only as there are bound to be variations and combinations which are not mentioned above. If after reading the above you are still unsure about the level of your technical know-how or the equipment you will need then please contact Dr David Houldershaw (not forgetting to mention the name of the course).
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