Logo Birkbeck Commercial Stand at the
International Union of Crystallography
XVIII Congress, Glasgow, 4-13 August 1999

School of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, University of London

Welcome Page 

The stand had five full-colour A0-size posters advertising all three of the Advanced Certificates run by the School of Crystallography during the commercial days (5th-9th August) of the congress exhibition. In addition, our corner stand was manned with three locally-networked PCs with 21" high-resolution colour monitors.

From left to right: Dr J.K. Cockcroft, Prof. D.S. Moss, Dr. H.P.C Driessen

Each registered participant was supplied with a single A4 sheet giving details of the stand in their conference bag. People who visited the stand were able to view material from the Advanced Certificate courses and were able to purchase the CD-ROM of the Crystallographic Space Group Diagrams and Tables. People showing an interest in our stand were supplied with a business card giving the key URLs for the Web-based courses.

Welcome Page 
© Copyright 1997-2000.  Birkbeck College, University of London.
Author(s): Jeremy Karl Cockcroft
Huub Driessen