Logo Advanced Certificate in Powder Diffraction on the Web

Assessment & Qualification Details

School of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, University of London

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The course leads to the award of an Advanced Certificate in Powder Diffraction from Birkbeck College, University of London. The Advanced Certificate is equivalent to half of a taught British Master's degree; no statement can be made concerning US credit equivalents. Each student is assessed by a combination of the work assignments submitted in terms 1 and 2, the project submitted in term 3 (possibly with a short oral examination) and an unseen final written examination after term 3.

The examination will be held at an approved external examination centre local to the place of residence of the student (e.g. at a local university). An extra fee, determined by the local centre, may be incurred for students sitting exams at external examination centres. After the project is submitted, students may occasionally be asked to provide 3 dates and times during which they can be contacted by telephone and/or email for a short viva-voce examination.

Level of Attainment

The single 3 hour unseen examination paper will contribute 50% of the final marks for the course while the course assignment work and project will contribute 20% and 30%, respectively. Pass, merit, and distinction correspond to an overall mark of 50%, 60%, and 70%, respectively.

Note: Students may opt not to take the unseen final examination, in which case a Certificate of Attendance may be given on the basis of course work only.

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